Every content creator dreams of having their work seen by as many people as possible. After all, the whole point of creating content is for people to either help them learn something useful or to give them a way to enjoy themselves.

But, not all content performs the same. Certain posts make their way to the front pages of search engines and are seen by almost everyone interested. Meanwhile, a vast majority of posts are only read by their creator and editor and are then forgotten.

So, is there a way to reoptimize underperforming content so that it has a better chance of getting an audience? Well, there are a couple of things you can try to make your content more noticeable.

Why Your Content Isn’t Performing Well

For content to perform well, there are a couple of things that have to happen.

First, you need to have quality content that is properly written for your target audience. Then you need to deal with your SEO and your online marketing strategy in order to let your audience know that your content is out there and that it can help them out.

And, finally, with everything else taken care of, you need to have a bit of luck. Only then can you truly expect your content to perform properly.

SEO shown on a laptop with notes outlining different aspects of web design shown behind it.

You will not be able to re-optimize underperforming content if you first do not handle your SEO.

So, while you can and should reoptimize underperforming content, try to also consider how you are handling online marketing. The issue can be that you haven’t done all that is necessary to help your audience to know that your content is out there.

Different Ways to Re-optimize Underperforming Content

So, how does one re-optimize underperforming content?

Well, there are a couple of things you can try that should give your content better results in search engines. But, before we get into them, we should mention that you should always prioritize quality over quantity.

We’ve seen way too many websites that are absolutely cluttered with subpar content that no one is going to bother reading. Alongside that, search engines won’t even bother showing them, as they will most likely interpret them as useless.

So, if you are still figuring out how to approach content creation, know that a single, well optimized, properly written post is much better then tens of subpar ones. Both for promotion and your website as a whole.

Use long-tail keywords

One of the common reasons why content is not performing properly is because it doesn’t have the right keywords.

If you’ve spent any time dealing with SEO optimization, you will know just how important keywords are. Companies like WP Full Care spend a lot of time tackling keywords in order to make help websites develop properly.

So, in order to re-optimize underperforming content, you might need to change up your keywords a bit.

Keyword written with wooden block letters, showing what you need to handle in order to reoptimize underperforming content.

Companies use various keyword strategies in order to optimize their content.

What you need to use are long-tail keywords. These are keywords that have 3 or more words, which makes them much more precise.

If you do so, you will help search engines promote your content. The important point to mention here is that you shouldn’t simply cram in another word or two without any prior thought.

Instead, you need to take a closer look at your content and see how a longer keyword suits it better. Just know that longer keywords also lead to better conversion rates.

Update meta descriptions

Most people won’t bother reading a whole post if it doesn’t have a decent meta description. They need to see that their visit to the site will be worth the time, which is why having a short yet informative meta description is a must. So, if you haven’t been paying attention to them, you might look into it.

Use power words in headlines

It doesn’t take much experience to know that having an eye-catching headline is a must if you want people to read your content.

After all, the headline is the first thing they are going to see. So it makes sense that it needs to draw them in and give them the incentive to read your post.

Now, in order to make this possible, you need to use so-called power words. These are words that are proven to draw in readers and increase your content performance. Some of the power words can be:

  • Proven.
  • Certified.
  • Guaranteed.
  • Verified.
  • Best-selling.
  • Tried and true.
Enter Title Here bracket in WordPress.

Never underestimate the importance of headlines when creating your content.

These words give the reader the impression that your content is worthwhile and that they have something to learn from it.

Now, can you come up with catchy headlines without power words? Of course. But, if you haven’t used them so far, at least try them out.

Optimize for intent

One of the most important things you have to consider is why a reader is visiting your website. Are they trying to learn something specific or are they simply surfing the net for interesting information?

Maybe they are looking to purchase something.

All in all, you need to know the intent of your reader.

Once you know that you will be able to optimize your SEO and your content so that it suits their intent. If there is a difference between what you readers are looking for and what you are providing, there is a good probability that your content is not going to perform well.

Link with better performing content

The final thing to keep in mind is that no post stands alone. Every post that you have should have both internal and external links connecting it to relevant posts.

And it is often the case that poorly performing content is linked together. Meanwhile, better-performing posts have their own little group.

So, in order to deal with link building properly, you should consider re-linking your posts. If you connect newer, better performing posts with older underperforming content.

And, if you manage to find a way to naturally connect content, you will easily see an increase in content performance.

The views included in this article are entirely the work and thoughts of the author, and may not always reflect the views and opinions of Regex SEO.

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