Do you wish to increase traffic to your website?

This is easier said than done. After all, every other business is present online. According to Internet Live Stats, currently, there are 1.99 billion websites online. Internet Live Statistics claims that less than 200 million are active.

number of websites in world

This means that within every industry, there is a high probability that a significant chunk of the businesses operating in the sector is online.

Considering that there are almost 5.40 billion internet users, it is safe to say that you need a robust online presence to reach the masses in a cost-effective manner.

This requires ensuring that your target audience visits your website more than once. Only then do you have the chance to convert them. Here is how you can keep your visitors coming back.

1.      Have an effective website design

As per research conducted by Gitte Lindgaard and J. Brown, it takes 0.05 seconds for people to form impressions about a given brand. To ensure that your site visitors come back, you must form the right impression the first time.

How can you do so?

By having a killer website design. Keep it simple and user-friendly. Make sure it answers all relevant concerns of visitors. Brand it well through a professional logo design.

As per WebFX, 75 percent of the credibility of a brand comes from its website design. Therefore, any money and time you invest in building an aesthetically pleasing and functional website will help in building trust with your target audience, thereby boosting conversion.

2.      Make your website secure

Did you know that, according to Global Sign, over 85 percent of online shoppers avoid accessing sites that are not secure?

Considering the number of data breaches that have occurred in recent years, and the raised awareness regarding security concerns, this comes as no surprise.

86% of the websites contain atleast one serious vulnerability


So, unless your website is secure, visitors won’t come back. BuiltWith conducted research and discovered that only 85 million active websites are secure. These are the sites that Google and other search engines are likely to push up in their search engine ranking.

To make sure you are one of them, get an HTTPS and SSL certificate for your website. What might seem investment in getting a lock symbol illustrates that you are providing safe browsing to your site visitors. This aids in building trust with your audience.

3.      Create a blog

As per HubSpot, 53 percent consider blogging to be their topmost priority when it comes to content marketing.

Blogging allows you to hold a respectable rank in the search engine. This is because blogs often help in relaying information regarding different customer queries.

Additionally, it also allows the brand to establish its authority and knowledge, thereby showcasing its image as an industry expert. In other words, if visitors think you are a credible source of information, they are likely to come back to you when they need relevant services.

Various big brands leverage the power of branding.

best way to increase website traffic


For instance, Etsy might be just a platform where thousands of vendors sell their product, but it had succeeded in appealing to the masses as a brand through its blog. 

The blog posts frequent articles regarding design and DIY, along with featured content on vendors. This allows the business to stay true to its identity while encapsulating the diversity of its offerings.

4.      Boost website load speed

Econsultancy reported that over 1.73 billion pounds are lost by website retailers every year due to slow websites.

Every extra second that a website takes to load, you lose a potential customer. After experiencing a slow load time, visitors are less likely to come back.

Hence, to keep visitors coming back to your website, it is imperative to have a low-speed time. Try to aim for less than 3 seconds.

To do so, always compress and optimize the images on your website. Conduct a website audit to better understand why your website is lagging and then fix the problem to boost website speed. The faster your site is, the higher you will rank on Google, and the more people will visit your site.

5.      Be social

There are over 3.7 billion social media users. In other words, as per Statista, approximately 50 percent of the global population is active on social media. This includes a vast proportion of your target audience as well.

To guarantee a steady stream of visitors on your website, you should leverage your social media presence as well.

Remain active on social media. Run social media marketing campaigns to boost your brand awareness and reach. The more people know about you, the higher is the chance that they will remember to revisit your business when the need arises.

There are various brands that make use of social media to create an impact. For instance, Tide once launched the “The Loads of Hope” campaign, which showed how the business was helping the community by visiting disaster areas and providing clean clothes to the victims.

While you are creating social media marketing campaigns, try not to go overboard. There is a pretty thin line between being helpful to customers and being spammy. Post at the right frequency at the right time, according to the channel you choose.

Always have a call-to-action that urges people to revisit your website. This way, you can redirect your social media traffic to your website rather than solely relying on organic search engine searches.


All in all, to make visitors come back to your website, you must offer them a smooth and compelling user experience.

Create the right first impression by designing an excellent website. Follow this with low load speed, enhanced website security. Start a blog and be active on social media.

With these five tips, you will surely witness a surge in your traffic. But, this is not enough for conversion. Make sure your checkout process is streamlined and your products of high quality. This way, you will truly be able to leverage the spike in site visitors.

Let us know how it turns out for you!

The views included in this article are entirely the work and thoughts of the author, and may not always reflect the views and opinions of Regex SEO.

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