This guide has been updated for 2021 design update on Google My Business (GMB).

With Google My Business (GMB) we have a nifty tool called Location Groups, previously known as business accounts. This provides a more secure to manage multiple users across several locations.

To create a location group within your Google My Business follow these steps listed below.

Adding Business to Location Group

Step One:

Go to Google My Business (, and sign into the Gmail account that manages the locations you are wishing to group and give access to.

google login

Step Two:

Single Location

If you have only 1 business in your Google My Business account, Go to Businesses on the left menu of your dashboard (

Google My Business Dashboard for 1 account
This is what you should see if you have only 1 business under your account
Multiple Locations

If you have multiple businesses in your Google My Business account, it will directly take you to businesses management page (

This is what GMB Businesses page looks like

Step Three:

Click Create group.

This is how the dashboard would look if you have just 1 location

If you have multiple businesses locations in your GMB, it will look like this, still, Click Create Group:

Step Four:

Appropriately name the Location group under Group name, click Create.

Modal will show up to name the group

The location group will be created, and new dropdown with “Ungrouped” shown by default. The newly created group will be in this dropdown:

Click on “Ungrouped” dropdown to see newly created location group

Step Five:

  1. Select the location that you want to add to the group;
  2. Click “Actions”;
  3. Click “Transfer business”.

Step Six:

Select a corresponding location group that you had created and click transfer.

Step Seven:

Verify that the selected location has been placed in the correct location group by clicking Ungrouped Dropdown, and selecting the newly created group.

Adding Users/Giving Access To Your Location Group

Step Eight:

Click the Group settings to go the settings the page for the new location group:

Step Nine:

Click Manage users:

Step Ten:

Click Add users to share access to the location group, and, subsequently, to the business GMB (Google My Business) account:

You will see your own email already listed

Step Eleven:

Giving access to colleagues

Simply add the email of the user you would like to add, select the user in the dropdown shown, and choose the appropriate role:

Adding user to Google My Business location
Adding user to Google My Business location

You can learn more about roles here:

Giving access to your marketing agency

Instead of adding email, add your marketing agency‘s ID number.

Regex SEO’s ID is 5275752317.

The agency’s name will popup.

Click on it.

Select Owner for the role.

You will still be Primary Owner, and would not be able to get kicked out by another non-primary owner.

Adding agency ID to GMB

You’ve successfully granted the correct level of access to your Google My Business (GMB) locations! 👏

If you have any questions, put them in the comments below!

One comment

  1. Avatar

    Should be done now.

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